Information For Employers

The PACES project is all about making access to university easier for students with disabilities and improving their employment prospects with employers. see the project aim

As an employer you may be wondering how you can make your workplace accessible or how you can make your staff disability aware.

As part of the project we are setting up an Employers Network and we invite you to be part of that network so that you can learn more about accessible technology and workplace design for all. It may be that you just need small elements of advice for example: how can you make the interview process more equal for people with disabilities ? or it could be that you need help with placements or internships and have a lot of questions about equality in employment.

The project will be providing training for employers in workshops and with online resources that we are in the process of testing.

If you are interested in joining the Employers network please contact either your local coordinator or email the PACES project.