1) Develop the handbook. (Download) 2) Train the trainers 3) Train the students and student supporters 4) Train employers 5) Evaluation of the training
1) Recruit employers to be Employment Accessibility Mentors 2) Set up Round Tables and Employability Workshop 3) Set up National Networks. (Download) 4) Collate placement schemes
1) Establish the protocol and plan 2) Recruit student supporters 3) Set up online Student Supporters Schemes
1) Set up Quality Monitoring groups 2) Internal quality reporting 3) External Quality Report 4) Sustainability plan
1) Project website set up 2) Resources web library 3) Management of workshops and conferences. (Download) 4) Management of all dissemination activities and materials. (Download)
1) Technical Coordination Plan 2) Administration coordination 3) Internal communication plan 4) Project reporting